Saturday night was date night with Megan. She's been asking for months now to get a Henna Tattoo. We got one at the local Farmer's Market last year and it was fun. I finally found someone who does them so that is what we did for our date night (along with a trip to the grocery store, pet store and a Frosty from Wendy's!).
She wanted one on her hands. I normally make them put temporary tattoo's in a place that can be covered, but I was feeling generous and told her to go ahead. It wasn't until the lady asked Megan if she thought all the kids at school would think she had a real tattoo that I realized, "Doh! School starts next week!" I so would not have let her put them on her hands if I had remembered. *Sigh* Oh well. She loves them, we had a blast and that's what counts!

And of course, I had to get one too! Please ignore the bed sheet wrinkles on my beautifully pale, spotted ankle.