I do not come from a football family. We never know when it is football season. We rarely know when the Superbowl is coming up. We just don't care. However, this season the Seattle Seahawks made it and this whole area has gone crazy. The evening knews would show Elementary Schools having entire assemblies dedicated to the Seahawks; small preschool children had their faces painted in the team's colors as they waved Seahawk flags. My daughter's school was among the schools hyping the kids up. So my daughter has come home from school, every day for the past two weeks, jabbering about the Seahawks and asking if I can paint her face blue and green for Seahawk's day at school. I don't even think she knows what a football game is, but she's excited.
So Sunday comes and I know that she'll be disappointed if she goes to school in the morning and finds out it was on and she missed out. So I turned the game on, figuring that she would get bored after 10 minutes. Not so! She watched the entire game! And not only did she watch, but she created her own scoreboard and kept score. S was for Seahawks, ST was for Steelers. She drew hearts by the Seahawks to show her support.
She was a little confused about Pittsburgh though. She kept referring to it as another country, and at one point when the Steelers made a touchdown she exclaimed, "Oh those darn Burg people!"
Then came the final minutes of the game. It became obvious we were not going to win and I tried to prepare her for the worst. The clock ticked down and Pittsburgh began to celebrate and Emilee burst into tears. "Our country sucks!" she yelled and then buried her head into the pillow to sob. She also asked if we could move to Pittsburg. She cried herself to sleep that night. Literally.
I guess we have a football fan in our family after all.
Max's Swim Team Senior Night
1 month ago
Sorry, but WOOT!!!! I love the Steelers. I hope we can still be friends ;)
Yeah, we can still be friends. But I'll have to make sure my daughter doesn't find out! lol
ROFL! That girl cracks me up!
LOL!! That is hilarious!
LOL! Good thing I don't like football. Neither does dh. No superbowl in our house! Your girl is funny!
Oh, how sad! That's totally something my kindergartener would do.
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