My Kindergartner wrote her first Thank You note today....all by herself. She was really worried to send it becuase she knows that not everything is spelled perfectly, but I told her it would be more special if they knew she did it by herself.
I just have to brag a little, because it's pretty darn cute!
Thakc Q for what youv dun.
I love your presis
To: Kafaleen (btw, Kafaleen is what her younger sister calls Kathleen, lol)
Oh, and Megan doesn't spell yet, but her funny for the day was yelling up the stairs,
"Mooooooooooooommmmmmmm, Emilee says I'm a tattle tell!" lol
Max's Swim Team Senior Night
1 month ago
I love the creative spellings they come up with. So cute, Heather!!!
Your girls are TOO CUTE!!!
Such cute spelling. And I love your other girl calling up the stairs. Priceless!
that is SOOOO cute!
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