So this will be a little brag thread on Megan, becasue she's just growing up so fast right now! I think age 4 is so amazing because they just really start to mature into little children at this point.
I was standing at the counter with Megan, and she emphaitically informs me that she knows Heavenly Father loves her. My heart melts...can you truly hear any sweeter words come out of your child's mouth? She tells me that she knows that because she had a dream about Heaven and Heaven was wonderful. "Yes, Mom. It was so wonderful and Daddy was there! But you weren't!"
You know those moments in a movie when the music comes screeching to a halt? Yeah, it happens in real life too...I think I actually heard it. But her conversation marches on as she tells me about Heaven and how her swing set had banana seats.
Do you remember my post about how Megan taught herself to read? Well apparently she taught herself to tie her shoes as well. She was at tap class and needed to put on her tap shoes and we went through the quite common conversation of "I want to do it" "Ok, try it" "Ok, I can't do it, I need help", only THIS time, she did it!! Perfectly! Both feet! I asked her where the heck she learned it and she informed me all by herself. I didn't teach her. My husband didn't teach her. I asked her sister and she told me about the time she tried to teach her and she didn't understand (and I remember that time about 4 months ago). At some moment it clicked though...and again without my knowledge.
It makes me sad. I was there for every single one of Emilee's "first" moments. But Megan is just charging forward, full steam ahead wether I am there or not!
So anyway, she was tying her shoes for tap class. Megan is at Itty Bitty Dance Camp this week. I let the kids pick a camp to attend at the YMCA this year. It's for 2 hours a day for a week. Emilee took tap the last 6 months and while she enjoyed it, I vowed that my kids weren't going to take Dance anymore. While the actual classes at the YMCA were not expensive, the costumes, shoes, recital fees, tickets and videos of the production are outgrageous!!! It's just more expensive than I think is worth it. So I made a firm decision that the girls will have to stick with Gymnastics (which is completely free at the Y). Of course, then Megan's instructor pulls me aside privately after class on Wednesday to tell me that Megan is quite the littletapper, was the best in the class and that she has picked up very quickly and really seems to have a knack for it. I just about plugged my ears and start singing right there in front of him. I do not need to hear about how my child has a talent that needs to be developed. Well, I want to hear that, but I need to hear about a talent that doesn't cost so much money! Now, of course, against my better judgement, I REALLY want to put her in Tap classes this fall.
Besides being a little Tap Prodigy, my little Megan is the biggest sweetie you'll ever meet. She loves to cuddle and to do nice things. This morning she brought me breakfast in bed (prompting this little ode to Megan today). Cinnamon toast with actual butter (I didn't get any butter on Mother's Day!) and a cookie on the plate, with a nice cup of apple juice. The cookie was in about 4 pieces which she informed be was "becasue the cookie kept falling on the floor", but unfortunately I didn't get to try that cookie because I offered the kids some and there just wasn't any left! And when she cuddles, she doesn't just sit on your lap, she wraps her little arms around your neck and can stay that way for a long time. In fact, I have a hard time if I have to sleep in the same bed with her because she likes to sleep that way, completley plastered to the side of my body with her arms around my neck and her hot breath by my face. It melts your heart, but doesn't help you sleep!
I'm insanely in love with my little Megan, absolutely positively crazy head over heels for her.
And just for fun, some common Meganisms (I'll let YOU figure out what she means!)
"Moooom, I can't find the hooker!"
"Look, I flipped off the fly!"
Max's Swim Team Senior Night
1 month ago
It's amazing how fast they grow isn't it!
She is growing up, and blossoming right in front of you. How fun!!
Awww. They grow up way too quickly, but it's amazing to watch them turn into little people! Megan sounds like such a sweetheard.
I can spell ... usually.
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