Must be nice to have hair this color, complete with highlights, without paying $100 or more.
I wouldn't know.
Actually, that's a lie. I did know, once upon a time. Of course, I was a child myself, so I certainly didn't appreciate it. Why is it that we appreciate things so much more when we don't have them? It's like when I used to think I was *gasp* fat....as a teenager I lamented my thighs.
Now, I would kill for those thighs! I need to learn to appreciate things when I have them. All those things I had when I was younger....beautiful bright hair color, smooth skin, good muscle tone....now only a memory. I wonder what things I have now, that I may take for granted or even dislike, that will only be a distant wish-I-had-that-again memory 20 years from now.
I know...my girls have beautiful hair and I have to pay for mine and it doesn't always look good. LOL
what a cutie! I thought I was fat in highschool too, and I was 35 lbs lighter than I am now!
no kidding. I look at my highschool pictures and think I looked hot! to bad at the time, I didn't.
She's so cute!
Ya, I used to hate my tummy....before it was riddled with stretch marks, extra fat, and extra skin. I'd kill for that tummy now.
I know it! I look at my old pictures when I thought I was fat and just wish I could look that way again!!! Maybe I should like the way I am now...it could be worse huh! LOL!
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