When someone asks you "How are things going?", how do you respond? Honestly, the first thought that always pops into my head is, "I'm tired." Such is the life of 3 small children I suppose. But the other day I met an old friend and asked her how things were with her family. Her response....."Can't complain!". I heard that resonse once again last night from someone, and I've decided it's my new favorite saying!
Frankly, there are a LOT of things I CAN complain about in my life. But then again, isn't everyone's life that way? Couldn't we all find things to complain about? At Stake Conference two weeks ago, the Stake President talked about hope. He asked every person who had recently had something happen in their life, wether it be a death, or a financial burdon, an illness or some other struggle that had caused them to feel despair to stand up. Guess how many people stood up?
About 95% of the congregation stood up. What does that mean? That we are all a miserable, desperate bunch? No. There are the can't-complainers out there. They experience the same feelings of despair, exhaustion and frustration that I often feel. So what is the difference? I would guess that it is probably that they don't let those frustrations define what their life is.
So I'm tired a lot. Does that mean that is the definition of my life? Is that what I want my life to be about? I think I want to redefine my life experience. I'm going to start answering "Can't complain!". Because I really can't. I have been blessed with 3 beautiful and healthy children. My husband has a job. I could complain all day about his job, but can I complain that the Lord hasn't looked out for us when my husband HAS a job and so many don't? A job that truly was an answer to prayers long ago, even if it doesn't seem so now? To complain about all that I have probably makes me seem like an ungrateful little brat. I lecture my children when they get to go to the fair and they complain because they can't go on just one more ride. Is that what I'm doing when I focus on my frustrations and my trials instead of all of my blessings?
So how are YOU doing today? Me? I can't complain!
Max's Swim Team Senior Night
1 month ago
the glass is half full! good way to look at life
I can't complain either. Life is good!
Love the post. A good reminder to us all that life is great. So, I think I'll join in the "can't complain" gang.
I'm trying to complain less because.....yep, my dh has a good job, we have a beautiful child and one on the way and we have a roof over our heads.
I feel the same way, I am always tired, what else to say!!
Nice post. Your right, finding our happiness is sometimes all about finding a better perspective.
It is amazing how easily we get stuck in our microcosm worlds and froget how good it all really is
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