Because I know you are all dying to know!
I've always known I have a relatively easy time birthing babies. Don't get me wrong...I work at it, and I work hard. My labors are relatively "normal" in length. Nothing special there. But the actual get-this-big-thing-out-right-now decent, now that is where I really excel. With my first baby, they told me to start pushing when I was 10cm. Because I was a first time mom and I had an epidural, they laughed at me when I asked if they were calling my Dr. yet. They assured me that it would be a couple of hours. 10 minutes later they were yelling at me to stop pushing until they could get the stuff set up for baby. The on call Dr. came running in throwing her gown and booties on. Since I had an epidural, it was no big deal to stop pushing for 5 or 10 minutes...had I been natural, I'm sure that baby would have been born not 2 minutes after they told me to stop. Not bad for a first timer!
My second child was born after just a few contractions. My third took a little longer (maybe 15 minutes?) because I slowed things down and tried to just breathe so that I wouldn't tear. She also came out with a perfectly round head the minute she was born....no molding what-so-ever. I've included the picture as proof. This picture was taken as Melia was being lifted out of the water as I birthed her....so approximately 10 seconds old! Look at that round head!
Now I know why. I went to a Pelvic Mapping class the other night with a bunch of doulas. We got to map our own pelvises(is that plural of pelvis? Pelvi?). It was quite the site. Since everyone in that room has seen our share of women's most intimate parts, you would think it would have been normal...but it was not. 30 women sitting around, legs contorted as we became way to friendly with ourselves in an attempt to map our pelvic outlet.
Every woman has a different shape. Some women are long and thin, others have a wide and short pelvis. We mapped our pelvis and drew it on a piece of paper. My pelvis was HUGE! A woman's pelvis also has a lot of movement in it during birth so it can change shape and open for baby. In addition, the baby's head can mold and become quite a bit smaller in order to navigate through the pelvis. Let's just say that if both my pelvis and baby's fontenels (plates of the skull) were fused together, we would still have had no problem! Now I know why my babies come flying out at the end! I do have an incredibly curved tailbone, however, which could possibly help account for my intense back labor despite baby's good position.
Lest you get jealous of my cavernous pelvis, and think that all things childbirth related come easy to me, please note that I am in search of some decent boobs, because mine suck (no pun intended) at breastfeeding.
I think you should put it on your personal ad, should you ever need to advertise yourself.
I'm a 3-4 push girl myself (except for Annie, who just shot out like a rocket, lol).
so can you come and map my pelvis because i have all sorts of trouble and i want to know if it was me or the baby! lol
What a way to start my morning, learning about your pelvis ROFL!!!!!!!!! I shocked everyone with how quickly my first two were born-NO ONE believed me until they were flying out of me :) They took dh seriously when it came to #3.
Ok, I spent almost 2 hours pushing with Cam. So not fair. I was told I have a small pelvis and apparently that's true (although my hips more than make up for it). Exactly how do you map a pelvis? Give us instructions!
I'm curious about the mapping thing, too. Even though I pushed for three hours with my first, I think I have a decent-sized pelvis. I had a posterior/asynclitic baby and managed to avoid a c-section. My second was posterior but turned during pushing. My third practically slipped out when my water broke.
If you really want to know how to map your pelvis, email me! lol. It's way too complicated to explain on here (plus, then the general public may REALLY think I'm weird! lol) It's easy, but probably really complicated to explain without being able to SHOW you. I watched a video with the other doulas that explained it. It's called The Pink Kit, but it's quite expensive. But I can try to explain it if you're really interested!
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