5 more to go....plus a few other areas! I have been bitten by the Spring Cleaning Bug! My house has slowly spiraled out of control over the last few months. It's gotten so out of control, that I gave up a few weeks ago and just quite worrying about it, which only increased my stress level as I can't stand living in filth! There are piles upon piles upon piles of things that need to be dealth with. Part of my problem is organization; many of the things simply have no place to go. Our lives are so hectic, all I have time to do is fret about what I don't have time to do. BUT, I have a relatively slow week so I have begun to plug away!
Another reason, aside from just wanting an organized home, is that our kids have been sick....alot! I think they have spent as much time WITH coughs and colds as they have without. It's been mostly this past year, which happens to coincide with moving to this new house. We both feel this has something to do with it. One thing we have noticed is that this house creates dust like you would not believe! I have never had dust like this. Melia dropped her binky under her crib the other night and as I crawled underneath to get it, I saw literally 2 inches (I am NOT exaggerating) of dust under there. It hasn't been THAT long since I swept under there last. No wonder she's getting sick if she's breathing that stuff in all night! We are seriously considering getting a HEPA filter for our home. James and I are both highly allergic to dust (I haven't stopped sneezing all day since cleaning). We also may get our air ducts cleaned out. Unfortunately both of those things cost hundred's of dollars. So until then, cleaning and cleaning and cleaning is my only option.
So my first order of business was to clean their room. I did a deep, deep clean, as in a move-all-the-furniture,hands-and-knees clean.
I'm happy to say that their bedroom is now spotless.
I am unhappy to say that our hallway is now filled with 3 boxes of old clothes that I need to sort through and put out in the garage, as well as an assortment of odds and ends, that again, do not have a place to go until I clean a couple of other rooms.
Now, the true question is......how many other rooms will I be able to clean before this first one dirty again?
Max's Swim Team Senior Night
1 month ago
Is it dirty yet? lol
I sent my girls downstairs on Monday and spent the morning cleaning their room. It still looks pretty good. I decided it was easier to clean without them, than with them.
We bought a HEPA filter for our basement. When the contractor was working, I was wheezing the entire time. I almost had to go to the ER. It was horrible. I love the one we got:
Kenmore EnviroSense™ True HEPA Air Cleaner
It's totally worth it to me! We just wrapped the cost into the cost of the basement. I'd totally recommend it if you can afford it.
Oh, and have you changed the filter on your furnace recently? I'd do that asap!
I love spring cleaning! We did a big one before Cam was born. It's time to do it again.
yay for a clean house!
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