We had a great, low-key Thanksgiving dinner yesterday with just our family and Grandma BeBe and Grandpa Brian. The food was great and we had a good time.
The hands-down highlight for me was at the table when I was talking with Emilee. She commented on how she loved Thanksgiving dinner. I told her that Thanksgiving was my favorite holiday. She came back with the comment that was not surprising at all coming from a child.
"My favorite holiday is Christmas!" Well of course it is. Isn't every child's favorite holiday Christmas. Afterall, its the one day they know they will get spoiled with way too many gifts.
Then she finished her sentence. "Because Christmas is Jesus's birthday and I love to think about Him."
It touched my heart so deeply that I almost turned on the water works right then and there. What a sweet spirit I have in my home. How did I luck out to get a daughter like her? I certainly didn't give her enough credit. I am so thankful for her!
Max's Swim Team Senior Night
1 month ago
So sweet. My ds is like that, He says regualrly that all he wants (for birthays or Christmas) is to be with his family and feel the Spirit. I'm super grateful for him.
what a wonderful thing to hear from your child!! You are definintely teaching her what is important
how sweet!
it's nice to know our children are able to recognize the importance of the holidays.
What beautiful innocence! She is sure a precious little soul!
Your daughter is so sweet! I miss your bloggy!
Seriously Heather (this is Kristie using my sons blog)- she is one of the sweetest little girls- I can't get over it! Where does she come up with these things?
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