Children have a way of keeping you humble. Just when you start thinking that you have the brightest, cutest most well behaved children....they do something to keep you in line.
I took the kids out to have donuts this morning. We went into the shop and there was this lady there (I'm sure you've all seen one like her before)....sitting there, not looking quite "right" maybe she lives in a special home nearby but can get out and walk around the neighbor hood. She's just sitting there, with her mouth kind of hanging open, slumped in her chair just kinda staring into space with glossed over eyes.
After about 5 minutes, Emilee askes VERY loudly, "Mom, can people die with their eyes open?" while she stares at this lady.
I wanted to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could have launched into a conversation about tact, about people with differences, etc. However, I was too busy trying to shove the rest of the donut into Melia's mouth so we could high tail it out of there!
Max's Swim Team Senior Night
1 month ago
Something similar happened to me. We were at the hospital for a test when a bed was wheeled past us. Lily took one look at the woman and loudly stated "That lady is going to die!" I about nearly did, I was so embarrassed.
LOL! Oh man, did the lady do anything??? I think the most embarassing thing my kids did was when Eli was learning his colors and he kept yelling about this man in Walmart being black....or maybe it was after we had to explain to him about some people being gay and he say 2 big black guys walking past our house and he said very loudly, "I think those to black guys are gay....that means they lllloooovvvveee each other!"....I could have died!
still loling over this!
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