The girls had conferences today. Emilee and Megan got glowing reviews from their teachers as always. Their teachers gushed about how much they love having them in class and how well they do with their work and help out.
Emilee's teacher just thinks she has a great personality and is a terrific reader. Although we just started 4th grade, she's reading at a 5.5 reading level, which is approximate to 5th grade, 5th month of the school year. She says she's blessed to have Emilee in her class. Go Emilee!
Megan's teacher says that Megan can almost beat her at her math facts. Apparently Megan loves to race to do the Math pages with her teacher and can almost beat her! And not only does she do them fast, but they're always 100% correct. Her reading teacher says that Megan "is a riot" and has an excellent retell ability for her stories. You rock, Megan!
Melia, Melia, Melia. How I love you. lol
Melia is my "free spirit" as her teacher called her. She's not reading yet, but apparently neither is most of her class. She's doing well, although she has some attention issues. She gets distracted very easily. But even that has improved I guess. She's a cutie, that's for sure.
And........drumroll please......she is being kicked out of speech therapy! She no longer needs it for atriculation, and she communicates well when she needs something (well, as well as any 5 year old with her stubborn personality does). Way to go, Melia!
Max's Swim Team Senior Night
1 month ago
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