I love this website! It's called Paper Back Swap and it's great!
The premise is that you can share your old books with others and earn credits to order from others. You start out with 3 credits and can order from a huge list of books people are looking to trade. When you order, they will send you your book absolutely FREE (well, it costs you a "credit").
In order to earn more credits, you can post your own already-read books. When another member would like your book they send a request and you send it to them. You send it media mail so it only costs about $2.00. When they receive it, you earn another credit towards a book order. If you don't want to get rid of your old books, you can purchase credits. I believe they are about $4....so pretty darn cheap!
The reason I love this website is because it's cheaper than buying the books new, (heck, it's cheaper than buying it at a used book store most of the time), they have almost every book you could want AND you don't have to worry about getting them back to the library or having any fees for keeping them as long as you'd like.
I'd almost forgotten about this website. But after spending an hour in the library with my kids, not finding ANY of the books I'd wanted to find, and then trekking up to the counter, books in hand, only to find out I had $20 of late fines I had to pay in order to take the books home, I left empty handed and disappointed. I returned home, remembered about Paper Back Swap and realized I had 6 credits to use up! I already have some books on their way to me! Woot!
Max's Swim Team Senior Night
1 month ago
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