Let me give you a brief introduction to Emilee. She is my oldest. She will be six in January. She's cute as a button and extremely bright! She is, however, VERY emotional! She has been since she was little. My mother tells me it serves me right....since I happen to be emotional myself. Thanks Mom.
This morning she came to me crying about something...I don't know what since I could understand very little between the blubbers and the sniffs. I told her to stop crying and come back to talk to me when she could use her words. 5 minutes later she had composed herself and came back to talk to me. I praised her for the way she was able to compose herself and told her I understood how hard it was when you just felt like crying. I told her that I had had times that I felt like crying for no reason as well. Emilee's eyes got as big as saucers as she asked, "You cry too? Why do you cry?" I told her that I was emotional, just like her. With doubt in her eyes, she firmly planted one hand on each hip and asked, "Are you a drama queen too?".
Well Emilee, you'll have to ask Daddy about that one!
Max's Swim Team Senior Night
1 month ago
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