This is what I tell myself each and every day. And every day one of three things happen:
1) I end up going to Dr's appts, my errands take too long, my kids are sick, some long lost friend calls and talks for an hour or my 18 month old single-handedly destroys the house while I'm going to the bathroom.
2) When I DO manage to spare a moment or two, I find myself online.
3) The holidays show up. I would be a remiss mother if I allowed my kids to eat all the junk they get for Halloween. That's not healthy! So being the self-sacrificing mother that I am, I eat it for them. To spare them...yah, spare them. Or Thanksgiving comes around. And I wouldn't want to be rude and not partake of the pie someone slaved over, even if it was Costco that did the "slaving". Next is Christmas, and who am I to squash people's Christmas spirit by not eating the cookies they bring?
So you see, it's completely out of my hands. I have no choice really. Who has time? I was seriously committed to doing it this week! The kids have a break from their gymnastics and swimming lessons, so I vowed to use those free hours to exercize at the Y and put the kids in the daycare. Then Monday hit and we've been one big walking ball of snot, fevers, and coughs. We're a germaphobes worst nightmare. So obviously I didn't make it. So yet again, another week has passed without so much as one minute of "real" excerize (although, according to my Mother-in-law, "you work so hard with those little kids, it's a mystery you're not skinny!"
But really, at least I have one thing going for me. I'm consistent! I have failed to live up to my exercizing goal for something like 215 weeks in a row! I should win a medal.
Max's Swim Team Senior Night
1 month ago
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