I don't want to be a nag. Really I don't!
But it's SOOOO hard! Why is that? Because I'm a woman? Because I'm a mom and used to telling people what to do all day? Because I am actually responsible and want others to be too? Do I just expect too much?
I get really tired of being the only one to pick things up. Like a couple of days ago, when I "gave up" on housework. All three kids had been sick all week and I just couldn't keep up. Part of me went on Strike. All that did was allow 2 days of dirty dishes to pile up on the kitchen table. That's right....2 days, 3 meals a day, 3 kids. That's 18 dirty dishes on my table, folks! Nasty! What frustrates me most is that on any given day, I know that if I die, whatever is laying around, will be there 10 years from now because I am the only person who will pick it up. I know that there are a few heads out there nodding in complete understanding.
So fast forward to tonight. James comes home from work at 6:00pm. I had just gotten dinner on the table and had the rest of it sitting on the stove for James. He ate the rest of the dinner, then proceeded to clean up the kitchen table dishes.
Miracle of all Miracles! Hallelujah!
Except for one thing. The kids hadn't eaten yet! Every day there are infinate opportunities to pick up things that are not where they belong. There is never a time in which there are not several choices of chores that can be done and that need to be done. And yet, the time that my sweet husband chooses to surprise me with un-solicited housekeeping help, he throws away the kid's dinner (having eaten the rest of it, mind you) and causing me to have to make yet another dinner for my family.
I really, really, REALLY wanted to nag. "Why would you do that? Why would you throw away dinner dishes at dinner time without making sure they were done? Especially when the bowls were full!" I wanted to shake my fists and ask "Why?!?!" so badly my cheeks hurt from restraining myself. But how can I nag when he just did something that I hope and wish for on a daily basis?
Am I just expecting too much? Am I just one of those women who always finds something negative to say? You know who I'm talking about, those sitcom old hags who go around critisizing every little thing if it's not done to their specifications (I'm picturing Ramond's mother on Everybody loves Ramond here).
How can I just be grateful for a husband who tries to make me happy? (Even if he really just makes more work sometimes!) It's certainly not the first time something like this has happened.
If someone has the secret, please share it with me. Until then, I'll keep clenching my jaw and repeating the words, "He cleared the table. He cleared the table. He cleared the table!"
I suppose it's my own fault. All I ever said in my prayers were "please help James help out around the house....like clearing off the table.". I should have been MUCH more specific.
Max's Swim Team Senior Night
1 month ago
dont feel bad, I would have yelled at him if he was my husband. Just take a deep breath, and remember all the reasons you love him. Then go scream in your pillow lol.
It's so hard sometimes! Men can be really stupid. We love them, but man can they drive us crazy!
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