I hate waiting. I am an extremely impatient person. Actually, I'm a control freak, really. Which means I hate waiting becuase I'm not in control at the moment. We're waiting to hear if James got a job he interviewed for or not. It's a scary move, but one that we've been getting more and more excited about as we've thought and prayed about it. Now we just have to wait and see if they'll want him!!!
The longer it takes, the more nervous I'm getting. Last week she told him she wanted his answer (he actually wasn't sure at the interview if it was the right fit, and she spend a good part of the interview actually trying to convince him it would be!). Well, now we've given our answer and she says she'll let us know next week.
NEXT WEEK? I can't wait that long. Just tell us and get it over with. If the answer is no, fine. We'll get over it and move on with looking for other jobs. But I hate just waiting...not knowing and letting someone else have our future in their hands for the next week.
Someone distract me!
Max's Swim Team Senior Night
1 month ago
Oh I hate that! Let us know how it goes!
I hate waiting too! I hope it turns out the way you want.
I'm trying to think of a way to distract you, do you want to play a game? That helps my dd
Oh I hate waiting. I hope he gets it! Good luck and let us know!
I hate waiting too! Can't wait to hear! Good Luck!
I am no good at waiting either. Can't wait to hear! Go read a good, distracting novel.
Is this in a new location? Would a move be involved? Or just a new company that will appreciate him?
Good luck! I'm excited to hear.
Wanna come up and play?
I hate the waiting game!! Hopefully you guys hear soon.
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