I had a friend's children over today. She's having a baby this coming week and I thought it would be nice for her to have a nice conference Sabbath to rest, relax and listen to the prophet and apostles. Her oldest two spent the night last night, and her 2 year old twins came over for the day. Her oldest daughter is my daughter's age, her second daughter is my second daughter's age (they're actually about 12 hours apart in age!) and her twins are just a little over 2 months older than my youngest. All girls (hers and mine). 7 girls, ages 6 and under in my house today. It was a blast, albeit quite chaotic!
Here's a picture of one of the meal times, probably
the only "controlled" time of the day.
It was a nice day outside, so they got to play outside for a while. It's really nice having older kids to play with my kids. It actually makes life easier since they occupy each other and spend less time following me around saying, "Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom". Having extra toddlers, on the other hand, is quite the workout. Take one toddler, who gets into everything, spends her days moving articles from one room to the other, turning on water faucets and trying to smash crumbs into every possible corner and then triple that. I got a workout! It really was fun though. Of course, maybe that had to do with the fact that I knew that at the end of the day it would be over! Things are always easier to do one day at a time.
Hmmm, guess I really picked the right name for my blog after all!
You're a good friend! Sounds like a fun time! And the kids are adorable!
Whoa! Sounds like my house at times. It IS so nice to have other kids around to keep your own from under your feet. But my house gets turned upside down by the end of the day adn then I'm frazzled.
You're a strong woman to take on 3 toddlers!
You go girl!!
Crazy! I'm so glad you survived.
I LOVE the name of your blog!
Glad it was a good day.
You are a great friend, I am sure she loved the peace and quiet at her house.
Cute girls!
WOW!!! That is a lot of girls at that table! You were amazing to do that! And I know she is even more grateful now that baby is here!!!
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