James didn't get the job. They found someone with experience underwriting government loans (which is what we were HOPING this job would help him put on his resume).
I was so looking forward to the extra income this job would give us. We certainly wouldn't be rich, but we would have been able to make ends meet...something that is difficult to do some months.
Tomorrow will be another day and we'll begin the search once more!
But for tonight...I think I'll go cry.
Max's Swim Team Senior Night
1 month ago
I'm so sorry Heather. I hope something comes up soon.
I am so sorry! You have been such hard workers and trying so hard to get things together for so long. Heavenly Father will bless you for that!
I'm sorry, Heather! But your outlook is good... tomorrow is another day!
I'm so sorry. Hugs to you!
I'm so sorry! Ready to move yet? I know where several great houses are!
oh Heather. I'm so sorry. Something bigger and better must be in your future!
so sorry..hate let down days
I'm sorry Heather. That just stinks. (hugs)
:( I'm sorry to hear that.
Ugh! so sorry! What a pain. Hope this search will be shorter and have a happier ending.
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