Sunday, December 04, 2005

If they all jumped off a cliff I probably would too!

My friends that is...

So all my friends are getting blogs....why not me? I'm such a follower. I can't really write. I have little to even write about! But hey, I don't want to be left out! So here I am, starting my own blog. Kinda fun! Woohoo! Are we having fun yet?

We got our new Christmas cards done! I get to pick them up from Costco tomorrow! My good friend Hidee took the pictures! She did a great job I think! Especially since Melia smiled for about 5 minutes of picture taking and decided she'd have enough of that! Add to that the fact that Megan has decided that her new "special" smile involves biting her bottom lip and tucking her top lip under her teeth! So with some wonderful photoshopping, we now have a family picture! Our first one since Emilee was a baby! I'm excited. Although there's nothing like seeing yourself in print to make you realize you don't weigh what you did when you had your picture taken 5 years ago!

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